Things at work have definitely calmed down in the sense that I'm not working 12-14 hour days. The project is still busy, but I don't think it'll ever not be in full-steam-ahead mode even though I'm ready to get back to my routine. Matt's work has been slower since it is the off-season for lacrosse. In the off-season they close the store on Sundays and have more restricted hours... I love it! It means that we always have Sunday off together... its exhausting to only get to see him nights when we works whole weekends (sometimes) during busy season.
I can't remember if I mentioned that my friend Brooke just had her 3rd daughter recently (she'll be 2 weeks on Sunday). Her oldest is 3 1/2 and middle daughter is Jack's age... she's going to be one busy mama! She's also an AMAZING photographer (I've put her Facebook "fan bage" on the side of my blog) who's done all of our family pictures since Matt & I got engaged. Well, tonight we took them dinner and got to visit with two other families that we're all good friends with... it was such a fun night! I brought a crock-pot pasta dish which I really liked (I think it went over well with others, too) and cookies while my friend brought garlic bread & salad. To our surprise and excitement, Brooke & her husband asked Matt & I to be baby Emma's godparents! I'm SO excited and honored to be such a special part of this beautiful baby's life. I'm also the godmother to our youngest nephew and Matt is godfather to our oldest nephew. It is an amazing responsibility and I am so proud to be entrusted with being a source of guidance in faith in my godchildren's lives. Here's a picture of Matt with Emma from tonight:
In other Jack news, he now is very interested in using utensils with his meals. Forks are very cool and Grandma got him some Disney Cars "big boy" silverware (a fork & spoon). I will have to try and get a picture of him using them, he's not too bad for getting started... definitely not great at the gathering of/picking up the food but he can get it in his mouth when on a fork or spoon. He's also been into graham crackers, or as we call them "cookies"... and when I say into, I mean he'll go to our pantry and bang on the doors yelling and occasionally saying "Kkkk" (with a a bit of phelm (sp?) behind it, haha) in attempt to say "cookie".
I've been getting excited for Halloween and trying to figure out what Jack should dress-up as... my MIL has offered to sew a costume if we want. Feel free to suggest anything in the comments! I guess we should really get on that decision so she has plenty of time to get it done. Speaking of upcoming holidays (ok, I know all holidays are pretty far away), but I'm REALLY excited for Halloween (one of my favorite holidays), getting to decorate our house and pass out candy to trick-or-treaters!
This weekend will be busy! Tomorrow morning we're walking in the American Heart Association Heart Walk with my company (now 5th in central Ohio for companies with participating teams). Starting in the afternoon, I will be with friends celebrating my friend, Jessie's bachelorette party... we're getting a party bus, so should be a lot of fun! I am a bridesmaid in her wedding at the end of September and we've been friends since college. She and her fiance, Russell, have been together since high school and are SO cute! He's hilarious too... always a good time! They both live about 2 or so hours away from here as of recently so it'll be nice to get to see her! On Sunday, I will be going to a jewelry party at a friend's house... should be fun and maybe I'll get some [very] early Christmas shopping done, as I won't be spending any money on myself.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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