Things have been going well, nothing too new to discuss though! I'm going to post the link to my "personal site" for the Columbus Heart Walk that is going on a week from Saturday that we're participating with through my company. After everything we went through with my mother-in-law last winter, we find this cause so very important to us and our family! Heart disease is the number one killer of women. We have a family history of heart problems on both sides of our family, my grandpa & both of Matt's grandpa. It is definitely something I worry about, not only for us but for our children. If you feel so inclined, please donate to the cause here. I found out today that Scotts was the first company in the Columbus heart walk that reached their fundraising goal and is currently 9th in top fund raising for companies the total of teams! Any contribution is GREATLY appreciated and really will make a difference!
We recently went through all of Jack's clothes to sort through the things he has grown out of and to see what we had in future sizes. We were lucky enough to get gifts last Christmas from family in Chicago (they do gifts for every baby's 1st Christmas) but the sizes were all 18-24 months for winter clothes. I was so worried at that point because of the rate at which Jack was moving through sizes the season wouldn't match up. Well, long story short those close will probably be perfect for winter and early spring and I'm very excited he'll get to wear them since they're adorable clothes! The cloth diapers that we've been using DEFINITELY make his pants fit pretty snug at this point; we've moved up a size at least in pants and I expect that trend to continue. I also went to Kohl's last night to use a 30% off coupon (on top of their sale prices, of course) and I got some A.MAZ.ING deals! Here's what I was able to get for $62.27:
- 2 pair of pants (1 in 18 mos, 1 in 24 mos)
- 5 shirts/onsies (4 in 18 mos, 1 in 24 mos)
- 1 fleece sweatshirt/pullover (in 18 mos)
- 4 sets of pajamas (1 in 18mos, 3 in 24 mos/2T) <- Yes, I've bought my son 2T clothes and it makes me kind of sad! They definitely look like they'll fit him SOON though, so I bit the bullet.
- That's 12 items (including 2-pc PJs as 1 item) for under $5.19 a piece!
I'm going to be doing a cloth diaper update tomorrow after a week of using the new diapers & we should be getting a few more soon. I've been splitting up my orders because I want to try different types and have gotten GREAT coupon codes for the site that are brand specific or gives you a free diaper after $25 (so I'd want to get as many free as possible, of course!).

I went through Brendan's clothes the other day and it made me so sad to see that he is NOT little anymore!I'm glad you are enjoying the cloth diapers. I can't wait to use them with my next kid.