- Rumparooz (one-size, pocket cloth diaper): I really like these diapers and they've been working really well for us so far! We've used them at nights (with the regular & newborn insert) as well as during the day. They are pretty bulky no matter what for an older baby (using the bigger insert Jack has major bubble butt), but at night it really doesn't bother me so I think we might try and stick with these as nighttime diapers. They might also work really well for a newborn or smaller baby just using the newborn insert. They are SUPER soft so I think they feel nice for Jack. Also, they have the most colors available that I've seen!
- GroVia (one-size, hybrid): We're not really thrilled with this diaper... the fit is kind of weird on Jack and, I wasn't going to call it out at first, but, it was the diaper that Matt had the major poo explosion in. I still really want to try it with the disposable inserts. The velcro closures are some of the nicest I've seen too. Its just ok for pee diapers (the snap in soaker bunches up on Jack pretty bad, works but annoys me) so I wouldn't count it out for daytime use. Definitely the last diaper I'd grab for a diaper change. I am disappointed because the concept is pretty neat, but it just doesn't work that well on Jack. We'll hold on to it in case it fits better on another child down the road.
- Tots Bots Easy Fit (one-size, pocket/all-in-one): So I want a lot of these! They dry fast, and fit Jack REALLY well. The velcro closures end up being our favorite because he's such a busy guy (too cool for diaper changes these days; places to go, people to see)... plus I feel like they will help for adjusting for any size/shape baby down the road. From what I've read is that the velcro closures wear out in the long run, but these feel REALLY secure and I've read review that people don't like them because they're too strong (not a bad thing in my book). They are the same concept as a pocket but with the attached soaker to stuff it is kind of like a all-in-one because its less of a matching game (I guess our matching game is worse because we are trying lots of different types). Let's just say I'm REALLY excited that I read they're going to offer prints soon.
- Happy Heiny (one-size, pocket): This is still a bulkier diaper, but it works... it is however the only diaper that currently smells like ammonia (already?!) after Jack pees in it. I'm going to try new soap I think, but so far its not been affecting him, doesn't stink after I washing, it just stinks after its been sitting. (I feel like as a chemist I should be figuring this one out quickly, but I'm just not too worried at this point). I do like the velcro closures though... really nice quality in my opinion!
- BumGenius Deluxe (one-size, pocket): These are nice... I like them a lot, I just don't love them. They do work perfectly and aren't too bulky, but they don't necessary feel like the "highest" quality, by no means cheap feeling but I like the feel of the Tots Bots better. We probably won't buy more of these unless we have other (less favored) diapers that start going bad or wearing out down the road.
- BumGenius 4.0 (large for 22-30 pounds, all-in-one): I like this one a lot too, very trim & looks great under Jack's clothes! I would love to buy more of these in sizes for Jack and in sizes for future children because they're SO easy. The major downside for me is the amount of dry time. I see it as such a major negative at this point because our stash is on the small side so there could be situations where we need a diaper NOW and if its the last one & still damp... of course worst case but ehh, just annoying at this point. I do like them a lot and in sized diapers since you don't use them for the entire "diapered career" of your little one it [in theory] won't wear out super quick like the one-sized.
- Thirsties Duo Diaper (two-sized we got the bigger one, pocket): This one is just ok.... we've never had any leaks and it is pretty trim, but I'm not crazy about it. The quality doesn't seem to be that great, we've had it for only a few weeks but already had the velcro tabs come undone in the wash & get attached to another diaper (no snags yet). The 2-piece insert with 1/2 using hemp helps make it super absorbent & still trim... I do like that a lot! With the fabric quality not feeling that great to me, I don't know if we'd buy too many more, but they do work and are economical!
- Flip (hybrid, one-sized): I'm actually kind of surprised at how much I like this one! Its pretty economical, fits Jack well, and is trim! Not super crazy about the lack of ability to secure the insert to the cover, but it is probably easier then using a prefold and a cover (but you could use the cover with prefolds because they have a display at our local store that shows it with a prefold). It doesn't come with two sized inserts (one for newborn, one for everything else) though, so on a littler baby it would probably be pretty bulky. I am interested in trying the disposable inserts in the future... just no "need" at the moment.
Other observations:
- We've got two diaper wet bags (both Planet Wise); one for the diaper bag and one for every day use. I like the zipper closure and our bigger one has a strap that we just hang on a hook by our washer & dryer. Washes up nicely, just takes a LONG time to dry (one cycle in the dryer + hanging overnight) but I would guess that because the inside is not supposed to let moisture or stink out, it just won't allow a lot of air circulation for drying. We don't use a diaper pail because we've still got the Diaper Genie in Jack's room so I don't really feel the drive to get one... and we're not really going more than one or two days between washing diapers & the bag.
- We haven't tried cloth wipes... I don't know if we want to go there. I've heard nasty things about wipe warmers & mold/mildew. Maybe someday... no rush for now because wipes tend to be so much more economical than diapers and they're useful for more than just diaper changes so we'd never be able to fully break ourselves! (Forget the Tide-to-go pen just get me a baby wipe for spills & stains.)
- Even though for logistics sake we can make it two days without washing diapers, I've still been doing them each night to give plenty of dry time no matter which diapers (all-in-one v. pocket, etc.) are in the load. I'd like to get another 3-5 before I would feel comfortable going the full 2 days between washing. That's probably me being conservative, but I feel as a working mom I need to have that flexibility.
I'm currently washing a small load of diapers, but here's what we've got ready for tomorrow:
We've got them stored on a shelving unit we have on top of our blankets. We've got diapers and extra (usually newborn sized) inserts for the pockets. And yes, I did notice the color scheme on the two sides because I had two piles going. Oh well!

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