Hard to believe my baby boy is 9 months, time sure flies when you're having fun!! Jack had his 9 month well visit today & here are the stats: 28.25 inches long & 19 lbs. 6.5 ounces! Big boy!! The not so fun news: little man had an ear infection... this is the 3rd time he's had ear infections, the 1st time was a double ear infection. The pediatrician was as surprised as we were considering he's been sleeping at night & has been the same old happy Jack. So we're starting a high dose of amoxicillian & have to go back in 6 weeks for a re-check. If things are cleared up by that appointment, we're ok since it'll be out of cold season... if not, next stop will be the ENT specialist. No fun, but I'm hoping it won't come to that. Here are my attempts at getting a 9 month picture with his bear (I'm surprised he's not just a blur because he did not want to sit still!)

He's scooting off of his chair to come after me!

I guess you can tell how busy he is... crawling over his bear!
I hope to be posting a video later of him rocking in the rocking chair that was given to me by my grandma... its not long but still cute!
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