Eleven months ago, right now we were moved into the recovery room after I gave birth to Jack. I can not believe how time has flown! Our camera memory card is full (all 2 GB! but there is some video on it), so I haven't taken pictures in a few days but will be sure to do so soon! But here's the official Jack update: he's saying "ball" when actually referring to a ball (just one, not all balls) even though it sounds like
ba-WOO and he's standing up for a while. Not walking, and not really thinking about it because he's still nervous about standing on his own & isn't getting on his feet without pulling up... possibly by his birthday he'll be there! Scary to think about!
Also, I want to share pics of my Mother's day and birthday gifts from Matt & Jack soon, too! Things at work have been INSANE... and will continue being crazy for at least the next few weeks. I'll try to be better about blogging though!
Happy 11 Months, Jack! Time flies!