I'm only about 34 weeks and as of my doctor's appointment this week I don't have any dilation occurring. (I don't remember being checked this early with Jack, but maybe I did?) Now, I know things can change quickly as far as pregnancy and labor & delivery but I take that as a good sign (for now) that I won't be having this baby early. I go back to the doctor around 36 weeks and then every week afterwards. I have been noticing a slight swelling these days and my nose looking swollen/wide, the joys of the last couple of months. I think I will probably get to about 37 weeks and wonder what's taking so long, but I feel like that's pretty typical pregnancy feelings at that stage!
34 weeks and 1 day... I really didn't feel that big until I saw this picture. We are doing maternity/family pictures with my friend Brooke on Saturday. We will be doing them with an A-Z theme and I can't wait to share the link to those pictures. |
Jack checking out the back seat. |
The basket down below is huge (goes practically the full length of the stroller), and when the backseat is fully reclined you just unzip the back to access the diaper bag. The front seat also has the option of being open with two cup holders as end caps or to have a bar that goes across the front. I suppose it will depend on the situation and how contained we need to keep Jack!
Folding the stroller isn't too cumbersome, but the fact that I am under 5' tall, trying to fold any double stroller is going to take some coordination. I can do it pretty easily while this pregnant, so that's a good sign!
Can you tell I'm pretty excited for the double stroller?! I'm already thinking our "big" outing this fall/winter will be either (or both) a) cutting down this year's Christmas tree or b) going to see the Christmas lights at the zoo!

Cool stroller! My husband's siblings got us a Joovy and we use it ALL. THE. TIME. with the boys! It's neat because Dominic can either sit and buckle in or if it's just a short jaunt, he can stand up in the back. And of course, there's room for Vincent's carseat carrier! Wow, I can't believe you are so close to the baby coming! I can't wait! (lol, I'm sure YOU can't wait either...)