In other news, we get possession of the house this week! My mom helped me finalize paint colors this evening because I was down to a few different paint chips and couldn't decide which were going to look the best. My mom, Holly & I are going to start painting on Saturday because Matt has to work. My MIL is going to watch Jack so we can get a lot of stuff done without him being exposed to yucky paint fumes.
We've also decided on the washer & dryer we're going to purchase. We were down to three different sets and we made the decision based on size. They were comparable in every other aspect. I'll be sure to post my review of them after a few weeks/months of usage! To me, buying appliances has been harder than buying a house. I guess because houses make more sense to me (as far as benefits, features, etc.) than appliances.
I am very excited to finally decorate Jack's nursery. We've decided on a theme: classic children's books. We're painting the wall a solid khaki/yellow color then I am going to paint 9 canvases to look like 9 different classic children's books. Some of the ones I'm going to use are "Goodnight Moon" and "Pat the Bunny". Then in a long canvas I am going to paint the phrase "May Your Dreams Become Your Story" to tie together the book theme with sleep and dreamtime! It has been a while since I've painted, but I usually can do pretty well when looking at a subject. I can't wait to get started... and I especially can't wait to have pictures to share of the finished product.
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