So its been a very long time since I've written! We've been extremely busy around here.
The house is pretty much set to go with closing October 29... we're so excited! In fact, this evening we went to Lowe's to check out paint chips and flooring options. I am very excited to paint. We've never painted our apartment even though its allowed simply because we never knew for sure if we were going to be there more than a year. I just got a few that I thought were close... boy, was I off! Well, not too far but next time I'll be bringing examples of bedding or whatever I'm trying to coordinate with.
We took Jack on his first plane ride when we went to Texas the other weekend. We had a crazy trip down there with a two hour layover turning into a 12 hour layover! We are lucky though, because Jack was a star the whole time and only cried once when we were on the plan and only because he was hungry. My good friend Leah got married on the 10th. I got to see my closest friends from high school and they all got to meet Jack! Here's a picture of all of us at the wedding:

Last weekend was Jack's baptism and it was beautiful! My friend Brooke is a professional photographer and as a gift to us took pictures of the whole ceremony. Jack wore a beautiful baptismal gown from my grandmother. I will be sure to post a picture a little bit later.
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