
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

39 Weeks and Hanging in There!

Today I'm officially 39 weeks according to my estimated due date of October 26th!  I've really been feeling pretty good most days... some I am far more worn out than others, but I can't (and try to remind myself I shouldn't) complain.  I am more than ready to meet this baby of ours, but I guess I've made quite the cozy little home for the past 9 months that he or she is not quite ready to come out.  Here's the belly shot (feel free to compare it to my 34 week picture):

39 weeks along.  The belly button is popped out slightly.. I think that means he or she is done cookin'
As of my appointment yesterday I was still only 2 centimeters dilated and about 50% effaced... that's pretty much no change from the past 2 appointments, ugh!  I have been having a more consistent number contractions every day, but they're not progressing closer together or getting stronger... yet.  I've also been trying to work on my pride, because I have to come to terms that the longer baby stays inside of me the larger he or she is getting and the risk of having to deliver a big baby, could increase the risk of history repeating itself.  I am trying to let myself trust my doctor a little more on the fact that a more controlled labor and delivery might help lower my risk factors.  The doctor I saw this week (because mine is out on vacation this week) mentioned the same reasons induction might be helpful with my history.  My next appointment is the day before my due date, so the topic is likely to be brought up as a possibility again.  As a coworker and good friend pointed out to me, she scheduled her induction for one day, and her son was born after midnight the day she was supposed to come in for induction.

At this point every time I see a coworker that I don't see daily I get the "oh, how much longer do you have?"  Well, today I kept wanting to say "One away!" just as Brian Regan says "Two away" from his baseball sketch... Please enjoy a little comedy as much as it was going through my head all day today:

Here are my top reasons why I'd like to have this baby on or before Sunday, October 23rd:
  1. My dad will be traveling next week.  (He was traveling when Jack was born so he didn't get to meet him until we were home from the hospital.)
  2. October 23rd is Mole Day, so having a baby on that day would be pretty awesome for this chemist mama!
  3. Matt is off work Friday, Saturday and Sunday so it would simply be easier if we were both off work when I went into labor.  (Matt's theory is that I'll go into labor tomorrow sometime because he's got the whole weekend off already!)
  4. It would give us time to be home from the hospital and I would be able to go visit Jack at school next Thursday for his Halloween party!
  5. The final pieces of the baby & Jack's Halloween costumes arrived today!
  6. We are so very ready to meet this baby of ours!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lots of Prayers Needed!

I am writing to ask for your thoughts & prayers for quite a few special intentions in my heart these days. 

A very dear friend's mother was hospitalized late last week after emergency surgery.  She is recovering, but still has the road of recovery ahead of her.

A family member of Matt's boss is pregnant and went into preterm labor, the doctors and nurses are working very hard to stop her labor from progressing.  She is only 28 weeks along, so prayers for the health of both her and her baby are greatly appreciated.

Prayers for my sister-in-law as her due date quickly approaches and this is her first child.  Please pray for the safe delivery of our nephew, as well as calm and confidence for her as labor and delivery draws nearer. 

Selfishly, I request prayers for myself and our family as we prepare for for the arrival for our second child, whenever he or she decides to make their appearance!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Mower Grass"

This morning Matt had to go into work pretty early and had left by 6:30 am.  Jack woke up closer to 7:30 am (thank goodness for that) and came in to wake me up.  Here is what transpired between us:

Jack:  Daddy go?

Me: Daddy had to go to work, he'll be back later.

Jack (picks up Matt's old glasses off of his nightstand): Daddy's glasses mower grass
*Matt wears his older glasses when cutting the grass just in case things are flying

Me: Yup, those are Daddy's old glasses.

Jack (picks up a ball cap of Matt's, puts it on and attempts to put on Matt's old glasses):  Daddy's hat, Daddy's glasses... mower grass!

All I could do was snap this picture with my cell phone:

He is such a Daddy's boy!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Fill-ins 10.14.2011

1. It's easy to get so frustrated at work these days.

2. Shh, my darling.
3. Once upon a time, there was a 38 1/2 week pregnant woman who is ready to meet her baby.

4. Every children's story has to end with: ... the end.

5. What is your favorite childhood vacation?

6. To keep myself motivated, I have to keep reminding myself that the baby will be here sooner than later.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to exciting amounts of laundry (and waiting to see if I go into labor), tomorrow my plans include hanging out with my little guy while Matt works (and waiting to see if I go into labor) and Sunday, I want to make it to Mass, if I haven't gone into labor!

I'm a little pathetic these days, huh?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Fun day!

Tonight Jack ate surprisingly well for dinner and Mommy got the brilliant idea to go for a walk to get ice cream!

It was a 1.6 mile walk round trip to the local Dairy Queen for some ice cream.  We stopped at our First Responder's park (in memory of all those who lost their lives September 11, 2001) and Dairy Queen to eat our ice cream.  I actually feel pretty good after such a long walk and my ankles didn't swell at all... strange considering how badly they were swelling towards the end of last week, but I'm definitely not complaining!

Enjoying his junior vanilla cone (which he finished!)

He got down from sitting between Matt & I and moved further down the bench because he was too cool to sit next to us... that and he wanted to keep his eye on all of the kids that were there!
Now the walk was definitley not intended to start labor... we'll see if it at least helps me make more progress by my next doctor's appointment!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Fill-ins 10.07.11

1. How can I have such swollen ankles all of the sudden.

2. I am feeling pretty content at the moment.

3. That summer, of Jack's birth, I remember feeling "done" at this point in my pregnancy.

4. When we were growing up, my parents trusted our choice in friends and we respected that.
5. What was the best memory of Halloween for you?
6. Because I've moved so much in my short life, I know it can be difficult to stay in touch.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner with a couple of friends (likely the last girls night out before this baby arrives), tomorrow my plans include nesting and getting the infant car seat installed in the car finally and Sunday, I want to enjoy some down time with my boys!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

37 Week Check-up!

I apologize but this blog is going to be pretty pregnancy & baby centric over the next few weeks... its the nature of being full-term and all of the excitement (craziness, etc.) that comes with it.  I also started this blog as a way to keep family up to date with our family happenings.

Today was my 37 week check-up and I had an ultrasound to check baby's size.  She estimates baby to be 6 pounds 2 ounces and said baby should likely only be gaining a 1/2 pound each week.  That would put me with having a baby slightly smaller (weight wise) than Jack was at 40 weeks.  Jack was 8 lbs. 2 oz. at 40 weeks exactly.  Of course an ultrasound is only an estimate... I'm not going to lie, an ultrasound at 37 weeks is very hard to see baby all squished at this point so I don't have any pictures to share.  I didn't even get to see the classic profile shot because baby is so low.  Oh well!  I did get to see that beautiful heart beating.  I was joking with Matt that I was going to find out what we were having, but I definitely didn't see anything even if it was up on the screen at all.  I am having a very hard time waiting to find out if this is a baby boy or girl, mainly because I want to meet him or her!

I was also about 2 centimeters dilated at 36 weeks, but not effaced.  This week I was still about 2 centimeters dilated but 50% effaced, so definitely seeing some progress!  I know this kind of progress is not any predictor of when labor might start, but I think its very encouraging to know that my body is taking steps in the right direction for full blown labor and delivery.  She mentioned induction as a possibility in the future, but was not saying it would provide any sort of guarantee that I would not tear like I did with Jack.  She also did not push induction at all, which I appreciate... I've heard of other people having doctors encouraging induction for the sake of scheduling.  I'm not against induction by any means, but for me personally if there's no medical reason I'd prefer not to go that route.  I would definitely say if she could guarantee an induction would mean not tearing like last time I'd be all ears and definitely qualify that as a medical reason.  The recovery from a 4th degree tear was definitely no picnic and I only had a newborn to hold during recovery... not a toddler running around in addition.  (Did you know that some women have to undergo physical therapy after that kind of tearing?  I'm very lucky I did not.)

My goal is to not to not go into labor before 38 weeks (one week from tomorrow)... that would put me at being "guaranteed" having maternity leave through the holidays by taking the full 12 weeks allowed.  Ha ha, I know I might be somewhat silly thinking I might go early, but I know 3 women (first-time mothers) who had their babies before 37 weeks last month.  I have been noticing quite a few more contractions this time around then I remember with Jack.  I suppose that could likely be because I actually know what I'm feeling.

I am still working full-time and feeling pretty good!  I think my body is actually handling this pregnancy better than my first.  I'm also being forced to stay active enough to keep up with a 2 year old, which could make things worse, I think is actually beneficial to me.  My maternity leave back-up plan is almost in a finalized format that I'll just need to updated at the end of each day, so I feel okay with how I'll be leaving my projects while I'm out.  I can only be prepared so much because I can not predict what might happen when I'm out on leave.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall Tradition Weekend!

I love fall weather, especially being 36 weeks pregnant!  The temperature is great, the leaves starting to change and even the bare trees after the leaves fall are beautiful!

Last year we started a new family tradition of going to pick apples and pumpkins before Halloween.  It really started because it was our first Halloween in our house and I really wanted to take Jack to a pumpkin patch.  Of course my husband had no recommendations, even though he was born & raised in the area, so we went off of the recommendations of a few friends.  Decided to do the apple picking while we were there to get pumpkins... might as well, right?  I had actually never been apple picking. 

Last year we did the wagon ride/tour and just picked one apple each to eat during our trip then bought some from the main market afterwards to take home.  This year we decided against the bumpy wagon ride with the fact that I'm 36 weeks pregnant and opted to drive right to the orchard to pick a bag for ourselves!  The fact that Jack was older and could be an active participant in the picking certainly helped.  The weather was a balmy 40 degrees when we headed out to the fruit farm, so we had to bundle up a bit.  It actually didn't feel so bad towards the end of our trip since it was so sunny!

Here are pictures from picking our very large pumpkins:

Father-son trek over the pumpkin vines!  P.S. I think this picture makes my son look very old!

Running to find pumpkins... there were so many he would've taken them all!

Sitting in our trunk after we decided on the two perfect pumpkins to take straight off the vine!  It was sunny so he was trying not to look up (even though I was below his eye level to take the picture).  I bet these will look amazing once carved!
Then we headed over to the apple orchard section to pick our small 10 pound bag to take home!  This weekend they had red delicious and golden delicious (as well as Jonathan, but we didn't get any of those) to pick.  Anyone have some amazing apple recipes?  Feel free to share because I don't know how all 3 of us are going to eat these apples!  (Yes, we've already started to give some to neighbors & family.)

Getting a golden delicious right at his level... some low hanging fruit for the little guy!

Daddy helping him reach a red delicious apple that was much higher!
Both of those pictures I have of him picking apples he looks so serious... I think it was because he was trying to pull so hard to get them off!

I'm very excited that the hats I got for Jack and baby's Halloween costumes arrived yesterday!  Stay tuned for Halloween pictures... sorry, you'll have to wait a few weeks!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  I know mine ended up being extremely relaxing... much needed after my crazy work week last week!  This week will likely be just as busy at work, but I am very excited for my doctor's appointment on Tuesday!  Last week (36 week check-up) I was 2 cm dilated though not effaced at all but my doctor wants to do an ultrasound to check on the baby's size to ensure I won't have a baby that's "too big" this time.  (Jack wasn't technically too big, but his larger size probably didn't help my delivery.)  Hopefully I'll have some ultrasound pictures to scan and show off!