
Monday, December 12, 2011

"Everyone's Favorite Newborn Diaper"

The prefold... the old-fashioned diaper everyone thinks of when you hear someone say they use cloth diapers.  Reading and doing a lot of research on cloth diapering a newborn it seemed like everyone said prefolds were a "must have".

Well, they really did not work for us.  It's not that they didn't actually work, only that we really did not like them.  We had a dozen of the preemie/newborn Bummis prefolds from the newborn pack.  I simply wasn't crazy about them (and never convinced my husband to use them).  Not to mention, at 2 weeks (~8 pounds) they definitely weren't able to fit around my son (and he was only 6 1/2 pounds at birth).  Maybe I chose the wrong size prefolds to use?

When they were too small to be snappied around Christopher, I tried the whole trifolding and laying it in a cover.  I don't know how anyone only uses 6 covers when using this method of newborn diapering.  Breastfed baby poo got on the cover every time.  Maybe I'm the "lazy" mom who did not want to wipe the cover clean... I wanted to drop it in the washer with the rest of the diapers.

One thing I have noticed about Christopher is that he is very sensitive to being wet (who wouldn't be?) and will definitely cry to be changed when he feels wet.  (This is different then Jack, but then again we used disposables and then went straight to cloth diapers with a stay-dry liner.)  The issue I noticed about prefolds was the fact that once he peed, the diaper was soaked and he was ready to be changed!

I am glad that we had them around for the times that other diapers were being washed or still drying, but they are definitely the last diaper to be grabbed for diaper changes in our house.  I think I will try to repurpose them as inserts into the one-size pocket diapers once we get into those for a trimmer insert (instead of using larger one-size inserts).

At an average of $1.34 each they are by far the least expensive part of our newborn diaper stash which is a huge benefit.  I can't say they don't work for others, but they are not our favorite option.

Stay tuned for posts on the pockets and all in one diapers!  If you have any questions on this or any of my other posts on cloth diapering, feel free to leave a comment below or email me so I can answer it for you!

1 comment:

  1. The newborn fitted diapers with a cover were my favorite. Prefolds still make up the majority of our stash, but they drive me bonkers, especially now that I can hardly get the baby (7 months) to lay still long enough to change his diaper!
