
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 1 & 2 of April Photo Challenge

So, I'm a little late on the first photo... but better late then never!  I'm joining in on Angie's (from Blessed Beyond Words) April photo contest.  You can find out more details and join in if you have a blog.

1st picture: Self-portrait

I'll call this "1st Trimester Motherhood" because I look so tired & yuck!
You may be wondering if I actually took this picture myself... well, technically I used a mini-tripod that we got for Christmas from my parents.  If you don't have one, I highly recommend it... we have a JOBY mini-tripod with flexible legs.  Its really helpful when I try to do family photos of us when we're by ourselves, and it sits in our junk drawer so we can pull it out and put it on the counter or on top of the tv for picture taking!

2nd picture: flight

We went for a walk but I couldn't get any pictures of a bird in flight, but it turns out my husband is an excellent paper airplane maker!  Can't wait to show Jack how it flies tomorrow... he'll love it!


  1. You are beautiful!!

    And I *love* the paper airplane idea! You nailed the topic today!

    So glad you're participating. I hope you have fun with it!

  2. Thanks Angie! Looking forward to trying new subjects as I am no pro at photography!
