
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

International Year of Chemistry

While I don't really talk too much about chemistry, except for the fact that I'm a working mom as a chemist. I truly love chemistry, as dorky as that may make me!

Next year, 2011, has been declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations as the International Year of Chemistry!
It will coincide with the 100th anniversary of Madame Marie Curie receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. I feel this is such a beautiful coincidence as a woman in the field of science. I am lucky enough to work for a company balanced (from my point of view) in the employment of women in a research department, but I know there still may be discrepancies out there due to the majority of women not having much of an interest in the sciences.

If you are the parent, please encourage your children to pursue the sciences at some point in their life. Explore a local science museum, go to the library and borrow a book on chemistry experiments you can do in your kitchen, participate in school science fairs... the fun can be never ending! I have been involved in the American Chemical Society since I was in college getting my B.S. in chemistry and I know our group has been working with our local community to provide activities promoting chemistry, especially for next year's celebration. If you want to check out what your local section might be providing to your community please look it up at this website.

I have a couple of ideas on how I will celebrate the International Year of Chemistry on my blog, so stay tuned for some science themed posts next year! (If you have suggestions on chemistry themed posts, I'd be happy to hear them as well!)

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