
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Halfway Through the [Work] Week!

I'm so glad we're halfway through the work week! The first couple of days have seemed VERY long for some unknown reason.

Update on baby food... Jack hated it. And we're not talking about him not liking but swallowing it anyway, it was full fledged disgust, spitting it out & practically saying "eww"! I am pretty sure it was the texture, which of the food I made was pretty thick and not a smooth puree like store bought baby food. I will definitely be trying again, but probably using the blender to get the food to a finer texture.

Today was our 2nd NFP class. We went over the charting we had been doing and the symptom side of the sympto-thermal method. Its very interesting to see the way different things affect what you may be seeing in charting but still being able to interpret them correctly. I feel that we are learning a lot, but that a lot of what is explained is pretty intuitive. I think its also very interesting learning about it from this end after going through pregnancy & having Jack.

Well, this is a short post but I hope to post more tomorrow or Friday for sure!

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