
Monday, February 28, 2011

He's Tall!

Those were the words I heard when Jack was following the nurse down the hallway to his doctor's appointment this morning.  I guess since Matt wasn't there they couldn't see the other half of his gene pool, so yes, he is "tall" compared to me.  Over half my height at 20.5 months to be exact.  We got a new pediatrician this time around because our last pediatrician left the practice we go to without any notice to us.  When she asked me how many words Jack was saying, I blanked... "Umm, 40-50?"  Gosh, he's probably saying more than that... he says a new word or phrase every day or every other day.  His latest funny phrases "O.K." (similar to how a Little Rascal would say it), "Oh no" (which sounds much more like "oh mo"), and "I got you" when playfully reaching towards Matt or I as if he couldn't reach us.

Jack weighed in at 27 pounds 10 ounces and measured at 34 inches tall/long.  Both height & weight are between the 50% and 75% percentile for his age, a bit higher than he's been at the past so he seems to have had a bit of a growth spurt!

Here's my beautiful "baby" boy these days:

Playing with a lightsaber at Matt's grandma's house... Matt was SO proud!

Real boys wear pink bowls on his head and say "cheese" for his "mama"
Happy Monday everyone!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Someone is Ready for Summer!

Luckily I cleaned out his clothes and found two bathing suits that will fit him this summer!  Swim lessons, here we come... in a few months!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 4 in Germany: Skiing in the Alps!

On the Friday of our trip, we went skiing in the German Alps in the city of Garmisch-Partenkirchen (a.ka. Garmisch-P).  We went with my little brother and his friend from school.  It was an overcast day, depending on where you were on the mountain!  By the end of the day, we were scarily skiing in a cloud.  A little bit of stats about the ski area:  altitude ranging from 2,297 to 6,725 feet and 25 miles of runs.  It is also home of the World Alpine Skiing Championships this month (going on until February 20th).  Here are some of the picture from our trip!

My brother, me, and Matt on the gondola.

Matt and I on the gondola... just to get to the bottom of the ski lifts!

Matt in the gondola after skiing!  You can see how foggy it got!

Me on the mountain!

Matt on the mountain!

The ski lifts... I actually took this while riding which freaked me out!

Matt on the ski lift... pardon the foggy glasses, its a hazard of being a glasses wearer and skiing!

View from above the clouds... BEAUTIFUL!

The base of the mountain where the train dropped us off, you can see where we rented our skis and some of the runs over to the right.

The gondolas on the way down... it was SUPER foggy when we left.  Couldn't see 20 feet in front of us or to either side... not exactly prime skiing conditions!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I am having issues finishing up my Germany posts because the online photo album I pull my images from is being strange.  I promise to get them finished up soon!

If anyone has any tips on using Picasa web albums, I'm having issues getting my album to load when I want to import the images to the post.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Fill-ins!

1. New experiences and possibilities are surely right around the corner for us, I can feel it.

2. Never take an unexpected turn on a daily walk in certain neighborhoods.
3. I'm looking forward to spring; this week's weather has been a tease.
4. Experiences I've had in motherhood are something I would never have imagined.
5. Try to find patience these days in a lot of situations in my life.

6. It is hard for me to think that there is a "certain something" and it is what's extraordinary about me.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to visiting my friend Holly after her ankle surgery, tomorrow my plans include a small day outing with friends before another friend has her 2nd baby and Sunday, I want to enjoy the day with my hubby and son since Matt works Saturday!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Prayer Request

Two prayer requests for this week!  My mother-in-law is having her knee replaced today and one of my good friends is having ankle surgery tomorrow!

Prayers for steady hands of the surgeons and a speedy recovery for both!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Economics of Our Cloth Diapering

We have been cloth diapering, at least on a part-time basis, since July of 2010.  Here's my attempt to document approximately how much money we have saved, or will potentially save.

July 2010:  My first order of cloth diapers and supplies was a grand total of $134.70.  Included in that order was a wetbag (somewhere to store dirty diapers) for $16.50, 6 diapers for $115.68 (~$19 a diaper), a sample of detergent for $1.25, and a free set of flushable liners (I had a coupon code for this).

Since July, we've spent the following amounts on our cloth diaper "habit":
  • Diapers: $288 on 21 diaper combinations (Average diaper cost $13.71).  This includes a set of prefolds which we honestly don't use much because of our preference, but those are easily our most inexpensive diapers.  I have also gotten one or two diapers using a free diaper coupon code from Kelly's Closet.
  • Detergent: $28 on 2 bags of special cloth diaper safe powder detergent.  We still have enough in our 2nd bag to last us a while!
  • Liners: $52 on 6 rolls/packs of flushable liners.  I don't remember what brands we've ordered, I'm guessing they all had a minimum of 100 liners in each, and add (at the high end) approximately 8 cents to each diaper change.
  • Accessories:  $61 on 3 additional wetbags and a Snappi closure for the prefolds.  We could probably get away with less wetbags, but we have a total of for simply for convenience and they can be used for lots of other things besides diapers.
I approximate that Jack has had an average of 6-8 diaper changes per day since July, or approximately 1080-1440 diaper changes.  He obviously has about half of the diaper changes than a younger baby would, but that's still a LOT of diaper changes.  Before cloth diapers, we were a Huggies family and he would've been fitting into a size 4 diaper.  The cheapest price I could find online was at Sam's Club and you would get 176 diapers for ~$40; this works out to slightly more than $0.22 a diaper [change].  To date, it would've approximately cost us $246 to $327 to diaper Jack.

Since we have spent ~$404 on the cloth diapers, we are about 2 months or less away from breaking even on the investment on the diapers... that's less than a year of cloth diapering.  Once we break even on the diapers, we'd really only be spending the $0.08 per diaper change along with the detergent cost

We have gone the more"expensive" route in cloth diapering by favoring all-in-ones & pocket diapers and using flushable liners, which will continue to be a recurring cost that we will have, along with detergent.  So far, we are okay with the additional cost of the liners.  I am looking into options like a diaper sprayer (~$45) that is a one time purchase for taking care of the poop on cloth diapers. 

I also did not include wipes in this "analysis" because we still use disposable wipes.  This is a wash financially because we would be are buying them.  I'm open to trying cloth wipes, but the idea is also very overwhelming to me (wet v. dry storage, wipes solutions, etc.) and I need to convince the husband to try them!

We have been very happy with our cloth diapering experience thus far!  If we are ever blessed with another baby, we will need to buy newborn diapers to fit a tinier baby.  But 3 out of 21 diapers we own currently are "one-size" so they should fit a small baby once they are at about 10-12 pounds.

What are we going to do with diapers Jack might outgrow or that don't fit him very well?  I am thinking about selling a diaper and extra inserts that we are never excited to use (the only diaper with which we've ever had a poop explosion ).  You can read about the different brands of cloth diapers we've tried.

I hope you've enjoyed my financial "analysis" of our cloth diapering experience.  You can find calculators out on the web but

Sunday, February 6, 2011

$50 Gift Card to Amazon!

Angie over at Blessed Beyond Words is giving away a $50 gift card to her readers!  It is VERY easy to enter... you get one entry just for telling her what you'd buy if you win it (and you don't even have to stick to it if you win)!  There are lots of different ways to get more entries too, so you're not limited to just one shot at winning.

I really need to get a picture frame for Jack's 1 year pictures (I know, he's 19 months old)... and this would be just the motivation for me to do it.  I love the ArtToFrames brand frames & mats on Amazon because there is a lot of variety.  Here is the link to enter and it ends February 23rd.  She also has her weekly "Giveaway Linky" up today if you want to check out a one stop shop for other giveaways to enter!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Fill-ins!

Its been a while since I've done Friday Fill-ins!

1. We are on this earth because of the wonderful gift of life God has given us.

2. I hope to never miss any experience with my son.

3. One of the hardest things for me to learn is that I can not do it alone.
4. At the end of a busy day it is sometimes hard to stay connected.

5. I remember the day Jack came into this world like it was yesterday.
6. My little family is one of the best parts of my life.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to washing diapers & clothes, tomorrow my plans include celebrating my mother-in-law's birthday and Sunday, I want to enjoy Mass with my boys and get some grocery shopping done!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Germany Day 3:Part 3

Thursday of our trip, we went to a very touristy place for dinner, the [original] Hofbrauhaus.  Here are some pictures from our night out at the beer hall!

German folk music being played near our table!  Of course the men were wearing the traditional lederhosen (the women were wearing their dirndls).

Matt enjoying his mas bier (1 liter of beer).

Me working on my mas bier and brezel (soft pretzel) after finishing dinner.  I seriously could have survived the entire trip on brezel!

Group shot!

The keg & all of the glasses.  Servers had to have a key in the entire time they were filling glasses and they essentially locked the taps out after filling what they needed.  I wouldn't be surprised if people had tried to get free refills before!

The shelf of glasses before our meal (plus some random dude).

The shelf of glasses towards the end of our meal... they had already started refilling it with clean ones.  We weren't there longer than 2 hours or so.
Next up: Skiing in the Alps!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Email Subscription Available

If you do not have a google account or if you prefer to get an email update after a new post has been posted, you can now subscribe to my blog via email.  This is how:
  1. On the right hand side of the website, you will see a box that says "Enter your email address" above it. 
  2. Fill in your email address and hit "Subscribe". 
Your email address will only be held by a Google application called Feed Burner and only I have access to who subscribes (and no other information besides an email address).  I will never use the email addresses of subscribers to contact you individually, nor will your information be shared with any other entity.  You can see the Feed Burner/Google privacy policy here.  This tool is only to deliver an email message to you when I have made a new post on my blog.

Germany, Day 3: Part 2

The afternoon after going to see some churches in Munich, Matt and I went to the Olympic park.  The 1972 Olympics were held there and perhaps more known for the tragedy of the hostage situation and murder of the Israeli Olympic team.  The day we visited was very rainy and cold, they were also setting up for another event so the pictures probably aren't the best.

The Olympic tower.

Main event indoor stadium... from what we can tell they use it for concerts and other events these days.

The swim hall, we peeked in and it was HUGE!

A really cool view of some awnings over a main walk I believe between the main building and the stadium.

A view of the stadium, every building seemed to be partially in the ground.  Nothing looked that big as you were walking up to it, but it was because over half of the structure was underground!

A close-up of the HUGE awnings... I couldn't tell if they were made of glass or some type of plastic, but they were very cool up close!

The soccer arena.

They were setting up for the downhill speed ice-skating race sponsored by Red Bull.  It looked CRAZY!

Me and the hubby waiting for the U-bahn to head back into town to meet Patch for dinner!