
Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Fill-ins!


Wow... haven't done one of these in a while!

1. Deli sandwiches -- the best food to take on a picnic.
2. Summer is unofficially starting this weekend.
3. I miss college because summer makes me always want to wear flip flops.
4. To love someone is the best feeling in the world, even more wonderful than the feeling when they love you back.
5. The weekend after we found out I was pregnant with Jack (over a year & a half ago) we went camping (as planned) and took a long hike.
6. When I crave food, it's usually specific, and usually something sweet or salty.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with my boys and watering the flowers, tomorrow my plans include going to Miss. Abigail's 1st birthday party and Sunday, I want to enjoy the fact that it won't be the last day of the weekend!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bad Blogger, Bad!

So this is a very uninformative post but I've been REALLY bad about posting lately. Let's just say, things at work are pretty much insane! My evenings and weekends have been full of house stuff and other events too... gosh, I'm ready for things to calm down a bit. Who knows when that might be!

So, I don't even have any pictures of Jack to post... even worse! But we did go to the ENT specialist this morning and... drumroll please! For the 1st time in 6 months Jack has no infection and/or fluid! Thank goodness! I really like the specialist we saw too, she is all about just playing it by ear (wow, really didn't intend for that pun) and waiting and seeing. Because tubes usually only last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, it may not help anything if we were to do tubes right now. Cold and flu season is over, so the risk of ear infections (even for the little ones) goes down dramatically. If he does get another ear infection, we're supposed to call her! If it happens soon, we may not even need another appointment with her, if it's not until the fall we'll probably go back to see her before deciding on tubes! We're very comfortable with who we are taking him to as well, she used to be the director of the ENT department at Children's!

In other news, Matt and I got our new phones! We got Blackberry Curves and so far really like them! Definitely still getting used to them, smartphones might be too smart for me... Haha! I am pretty much loving the calendar functionality that Matt and I can send events to each other and keep our calendars up to date with his work schedule, Jack's dr's appointments, etc. That was the main thing I really wanted and I LOVE IT!

I promise, a better blog post and pictures this weekend!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Giveaway at Throne of Thornes!

Lauren over at Throne of Thornes is having her first giveaway! Please support her and check it out here! The product is from a friend of her's who is starting to sell Scentsy warmers (essentially an alternative to candles)... Lauren's blog entry has all the details on how to enter to win a free one! BUT you must do so by Wednesday, May 19th at 9 p.m. so don't be late!!

I would love to win... because it takes so much having to find candles to match our decor after old ones burn down. This way you buy one warmer & can get different scents to suit the season or your mood!

Monday, May 17, 2010

11 months

Eleven months ago, right now we were moved into the recovery room after I gave birth to Jack. I can not believe how time has flown! Our camera memory card is full (all 2 GB! but there is some video on it), so I haven't taken pictures in a few days but will be sure to do so soon! But here's the official Jack update: he's saying "ball" when actually referring to a ball (just one, not all balls) even though it sounds like ba-WOO and he's standing up for a while. Not walking, and not really thinking about it because he's still nervous about standing on his own & isn't getting on his feet without pulling up... possibly by his birthday he'll be there! Scary to think about!

Also, I want to share pics of my Mother's day and birthday gifts from Matt & Jack soon, too! Things at work have been INSANE... and will continue being crazy for at least the next few weeks. I'll try to be better about blogging though!

Monday, May 10, 2010

My 1st Mother's Day!

I had a wonderful Mother's day... I'll call it my 1st official Mother's Day, but I really feel like that was last year (when I was as big as a house!) Here's a reminder of a year ago [today]:

Me & Jack, Mother's Day 2009 (5/10/09)

Me & Jack, Mother's Day 2010 (5/9/10)

To give you perspective, on Mother's Day 2009, I had gained almost double what Jack weighs now.... haha! You can do the math/guess-work!

Anyway, my Mother's day was great! I got to sleep in... woke up to breakfast cooked by my WONDERFUL husband! My favorite: over-easy eggs with toast and bacon. We went to Mass, and were late (first time since Jack was born), and then lunch at Jason's Deli! If you aren't familiar with my Jason's Deli obsession, let's just say... baked potato as big as my head and I'm a carb-aholic! Not to mention, Jason's is from Beaumont, TX and they finally made it all the way up to Ohio (less than 10 min from our house!). Seriously, I'm obsessed with Jason's!

Oh, back to Mother's Day (*snaps out of it*)... Matt got me this great silhouette of Jack and I'll have to post a picture of it later because our camera card is full. Also, I got some roses from Matt and some flowers from Jack (with a little help from Grandma!)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

For all of the moms and moms-to-be, hope you have a wonderful day! Thoughts and prayers with you all on such a fun and special day.

I am going to enjoy a low key day with my boys... can't wait!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ear Re-Check!

The check-up went pretty well this morning. Jack does not have any infection in his ears, but both have some amount of fluid.

Our pediatrician still wants us to take him to see an ENT specialist. Specifically to get his hearing checked to make sure that the past 5 months of constant fluid in his ears isn't affecting his hearing. She said no rush but to still make the appointment to ensure that at this crucial point for his speech development we want to make sure he can hear clearly.

She gave us a list of recommendations so we'll be sorting through those over the next few days and hopefully get in with someone soon!

I Should be in Bed...

But, I'm up because I can't sleep.... and why can't I sleep, might you ask? Because I am a super irrational mommy. Jack has a doctor's appointment to get his ears checked tomorrow morning... if the pediatrician doesn't like what she sees (after he's had 3 rounds of antibiotics), we're going to have to see the ENT specialist.

Jack has been kinda messing with his ears the past few evenings and I am so paranoid that he has another ear infection. Other than messing with them he's been in a great mood, but then again he wasn't even pulling his ear 6 weeks ago at his 9 month check-up and we found out he had an ear infection. That's what happens when you have a happy baby like we do... lucky in most situations, I would prefer to have some symptoms when my son is sick. No mom likes their kid to be in pain or sick, makes me feel worse when I don't even notice!

Well... I'm off to try and get sleepy enough to where I can finally fall asleep. Possibly read up on treatments the ENT is gonna recommend (which, let's be honest is gonna be tubes) because I love to torture myself...

Yours irrationally,