
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mommy & Daddy Are in Trouble!

Here's a picture of Jack's latest discovery... the doorknob! Yikes....

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Fill-ins!

1. Where are my keys?
2. If wishes were horses I'd be standing in sh*t up to my knees.
3. I'd like to see Ireland.
4. When I was a teen, I thought I knew it all, but then again all of us thought the same thing.
5. One of my mother's favorite sayings was (is) "Happy Jack" when talking about Jack.
6. I'd have a hard time doing without my phone, I'm kind of obsessive compulsive about checking it and I don't know why.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing Mike who is in town from FL, tomorrow my plans include going to work to meet my family who is picking up product that was donated for my brother's Eagle Scout project and Sunday, I want to relax with my boys and get our yard work in!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Swinging into Spring!

So, I'm not going to lie... I've been giving Matt a hard time lately. I've REALLY wanted Jack's swing hung on our playset and it has been like pulling teeth. Not because Matt hasn't wanted to do it, but he's been busy because of work, we didn't have the right size drill bit or new bolts with the eye on the end... but I was still impatient! Also, thank you to Uncle Patrick & Uncle Alex for getting Jack's swing for this past Christmas!

Well, finally here is Jack swinging like the little monkey he is!

Daddy hanging the swing!

Enjoying swinging!

Video clip!

Here is Jack's 10 month picture with his bear!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Recap

Wow... Monday already?! Goo, weekends go by WAY too fast for me!

Let's see, last weekend we went to Indianapolis to walk in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure with my mom's side of the family's team. The team was started about 7 years ago by my Aunt Mary Ellen, a year before she lost her 2 year battle with cancer at 37 years young. Here are a few pictures from this weekend!

Me pushing Jack in the stroller... around the first half mile!

Wearing my pink ribbon visor... and playing peek-a-book!

Sunday, Matt let me sleep in and after I woke up I mowed the grass and put out some Weed-B-Gon to kill all those dandelions we have/had in yard! Can't wait to post pictures once it is in better condition! It isn't necessarily in bad shape as far as pictures go but has a lot of weeds and we haven't put any annuals in the landscaping... still a lot on the to-do list!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Final NFP class!

I can honestly say that I am sad that our classes are now over! I will never turn down the opportunity to learn and grow in our faith and gain any tools that help us live in accordance with God's will in our life.

Overall, we are very satisfied in understanding the technical aspects of charting and the guidelines. We have learned a lot and it is definitely logical (it has taken months to learn and we continue to learn, so it is hard to describe in a blog post). Anyone who would like to discuss the technical and scientific side of things feel free to let me know! I'd love to share that knowledge... I am a scientist after all, so I love marrying my faith to science!

Tonight's final class was teaching on the theology of Natural Family Planning and the reasoning behind the Church's teachings on contraception, etc. We had an excellent speaker who is a professor of theology at the Pontifical College Josephinum here in Columbus. He was also a theology professor at ODU when we were there, and actually recognized Matt tonight! His knowledge of the theology was so inspiring and reaffirming. It was also very beneficial to listen to his philosophical discussion the topic, as well as arm us with the tools to support our beliefs if we are challenged about our practice. Which we kind of expect due to this is typically "against the grain" of society!

He and our instructors kept referring to NFP as the best kept secret of the Catholic Church... we really enjoyed that because it really is rarely discussed! In fact when we were going through marriage preparation it was barely brought up by our priest or at our Pre-Cana day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


My little brother recently found out that he was awarded a scholarship to study in Germany for a year! Here is a website with the announcement! You can see that it is the largest award granted... he is in one of the top programs for electronic media in the country.

So excited for him!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Public Service Announcement for those Planning Weddings

It is not, under any circumstances, okay to put registry information on/in with your wedding invitation. Seriously folks, if you have no other communication (or your family doesn't) with someone for them to ask where you are registered, they probably shouldn't be on your wedding invitation list. When I receive an invitation, I prefer to feel like you want me there... not whatever gift I may bring with me. To put that information in your invitation is soliciting for gifts and is, well, extremely tacky. Putting this information on your wedding website is fine, if someone wants to know they should be able to find it or be comfortable asking you or your parents for it! Also, if someone is throwing you a shower it is more acceptable because they are suggesting gifts for you but you are not asking for them. It is published in many wedding planning books and websites (I found them) so please just look. I understand that it may be becoming more common practice to include this information, but just because etiquette in general is being forgotten doesn't mean it is okay!

Sorry if you are someone who has put this information in your invitations, I'm not "deeply offended". I only wish people would not do this because I am kind of old-fashioned and appreciate good manners. Personally, I know I am not perfect but I do try to be respectful of these things. Argh... that is my rant for today! Thanks for listening!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Fill-ins!


1. In 1992, I was 7 years old and that seems like a very long time ago.
2. My son is almost always all laughter and smiles.
3. Do what you want, with what you are given, where you are today.
4. Sitting on a beach with a fruity drink is where I'd like to be.
5. The trees and flowers are telling me that spring is officially hear, and I love it.
6. Sometimes you have to just ignore the drama around you that just keeps going on.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to running errands with Jack and Matt, tomorrow my plans include hanging out around the house then going to dinner for my sister's birthday and Sunday, I want to do yard work!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Getting So Big!

So here is a picture of what new trick Jack decided to try... and continue to do in our living room!

He's pulling himself across it!

"Hi Mom!"... he did it later for Matt when he came home and the box was in between him & Daddy.

Testing out a new carseat... such a big boy! This one is either going in Mommy & Daddy's car or Grandma's. Depends on fit in our car.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jesus Christ is Risen Today!

Ahh, I love that song... and it was the opening song at Mass this morning! We had a great Easter today! I can honestly say it was a struggle to get through Mass because we sat in the cry room & it was so crazy it actually ended up making Jack very miserable and fussy. We've sat in the cry room before and it usually is pretty typical with just a little more "excitement" than the main part of the church. It was the first time I left Mass feeling like I almost didn't get anything out of it, and it was very sad for me! Oh well, I did get some prayer and reflection time after Communion to really focus on being involved the liturgy.

Here are a few pictures from our Easter celebrations today!

Jack getting ready to dig into his Easter basket!

Jack and Daddy getting ready to go to Mass! Such handsome men in my life!

Family shot!

I hope everyone had a very blessed Easter and got to celebrate with family and friends!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friday Fill-ins!


1. All you need is the love of family.
2. Jack's toothless grin fills me with laughter.
3. Each generation, as it grows up, becomes less and less able to think critically.
4. Trying to be a mom and having to work full-time is something I have a hard time dealing with.
5. A trip to somewhere warm with little plans is what I need.
6. ________ and you get back. (<-- I really couldn't think of anything to put here, can I blame being in the sun all day for that?)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with the hubby, tomorrow my plans include cleaning up around the house and getting excited for Easter and Sunday, I want to enjoy time with family to celebrate Jesus' rising!