
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

After a long but successful road trip to Texas...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! Today, I am especially thankful for family and friends! We got to spend Jack's first Thanksgiving with his cousins and my mom was even here until she went to pick up Rachel & Alex at the airport. I am thankful for friends because without the wedding this weekend, we would not have likely planned on coming down for the holiday!

My in-laws are going to do Black Friday shopping tomorrow... I am staying home with the kids because I can not handle the craziness. We've got a rehearsal dinner for Tiffany & Steven's wedding tomorrow night and their wedding on Saturday! I can not wait!

God Bless everyone on such a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Supply and Demand... of Milk

All of the stress of the move did a number on my supply and getting back into the routine of pumping at work was not so easy! I went out for a friend's birthday last Friday so Matt had to give Jack what I had pumped the Thursday at work. Well, we had some back-up frozen and we thawed it for Monday, but it was only about 6 ounces. I had all intentions of pumping in between feeding him on Sunday, but was so exhausted I never did. It took 5 months, but we finally had to "give-in" and supplement his bottles with some formula. Let me say this loud and clear, I feel there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with formula feeding for babies... what works is different for every family and every baby. As a scientist I completely understand that formula is nutritionally complete for a baby's growth & development. Now, after saying that, I do feel a certain amount of personal pride of being to be my son's source of nourishment after his birth. Its fairly obvious that while I was pregnant he got all of his calories and nourishment to grow & develop directly from me. To be able to continue that "service" to him after he was born is a beautiful thing and something that is very important to me. I love the bonding time I get with him... to me nothing is more relaxing after a long day at work to snuggle up on the couch and feed him. Another benefit is the money saving aspect. If you know me, you know I'm a very practical person. I clip coupons for our groceries and rarely buy any clothing unless its on sale and at a good deal. I read every review I have time for before making a major purchase, or even adding things to our baby registry this past year! So, of course the fact that breastmilk is free is just another benefit. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the emotional and financial benefits of this choice we've made for our family!

Its Wednesday and my supply is finally catching back up to be able to have enough for his bottles while I'm working. Phew! I'm certainly glad it wasn't an irreversible situation!

Happy Homeowners and Lots of Other Happenings!

Well, we're all moved in (and with internet access no less!) and loving our little home! We officially moved last Saturday, but it was such a busy day. We had carpet being put in that morning throughout the living room, bedrooms & hallway... then the guys (our amazing friends) showed up with a full truck at 11:30 a.m., had it all unloaded by 1:30 p.m. (after they had to wait for the carpet guys to finish up).

That afternoon we had the dryer hooked-up to remedy a fiasco from Friday. Friday was a busy day as well, we had multiple contractors at the house to do work.. including delivery & set-up of appliances. My mom was coming by to help me finish painting and just to help out with Jack, but wasn't there yet when the guys came to deliver the washer/dryer & range. Needless to say, my first experience with these delivery guys was miserable! I had my fussy 5 month old in one arm as I let them in. The older gentleman immediately started into how things were wrong, not going to work, etc. First "problem" was that the washer & dryer hook-ups were on the opposite side, which I suggested we simply put them on the side of the hook-ups. It appeared as though he did not like my ability to problem solve so quickly, but heck, we'd paid for them already & knew they'd fit (measuring tapes are very handy)! Well, the dryer vent that was left from the previous owners was a stiff material (not like the flexible kind I am most familiar with). It was simple enough to untape from the point where it was attached to the vent going outside. All this one-handed because Jack was in my other arm. Then he talks about how he can't bring the range in through the back door.... well, fancy that we've got a front door! That was a very small issue and again, easily solved. The washer was brought in and set-up to be working just fine. Then, the first part where we made a mistake came in... we didn't measure the baseboard molding when we measured for the washer & dryer. Okay, well its a tiny bit of molding only needed to be popped off to solve this problem. Well, that's something I couldn't do one-handed... I tried to hand a guy a crowbar and a flat-head screwdriver from Matt's toolbox. Nope, wasn't gonna help us out. I was trying to figure out what he was going to do... he decided all he could do for us was to put the dryer in the garage. So he did... and then he left. It took me a while, but after much "firing-up" by Matt & my parents, I called our sales guy and told him what had happened and explained that (after my mom was there to hold Jack) I went ahead and took the baseboard off. Long story short, he was able to get someone to come out the next day (moving day) to bring it in and set it up for us. I requested that it not be the same guy who came Friday, I simply didn't want to deal with such a debbie-downer. Needless to say, it was EXTREMELY frustrating, but it worked out okay.

I'll be posting some pictures of the house soon, I promise! It is just getting so dark by time I get home from work, that the pictures aren't that great... not to mention interior pictures would show more of boxes then of the actual house!

Other things happening on our busy front include: getting ready for Jack's first road-trip (18 hours to Texas!) next week for Thanksgiving and Tiffany & Steven's wedding, as well as Christmas being right around the corner! We're so excited for Jack's first Christmas (in fact we've already bought his first gift) and decided to spend his first Christmas at home, just us! I am so excited to start our own family traditions for our children... things like getting to open gifts from Santa in our pjs sound so relaxing and wonderful!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jack's First Halloween!

Our little man was the most adorable monkey I've ever seen! (If I do say so myself!) I love that he doesn't mind hoods or hats because he looks so good in them. His costume was a little big (I bought it a while ago figuring he'd probably grow into it), but I think it looked super cute anyway.

In other news, we get possession of the house this week! My mom helped me finalize paint colors this evening because I was down to a few different paint chips and couldn't decide which were going to look the best. My mom, Holly & I are going to start painting on Saturday because Matt has to work. My MIL is going to watch Jack so we can get a lot of stuff done without him being exposed to yucky paint fumes.

We've also decided on the washer & dryer we're going to purchase. We were down to three different sets and we made the decision based on size. They were comparable in every other aspect. I'll be sure to post my review of them after a few weeks/months of usage! To me, buying appliances has been harder than buying a house. I guess because houses make more sense to me (as far as benefits, features, etc.) than appliances.

I am very excited to finally decorate Jack's nursery. We've decided on a theme: classic children's books. We're painting the wall a solid khaki/yellow color then I am going to paint 9 canvases to look like 9 different classic children's books. Some of the ones I'm going to use are "Goodnight Moon" and "Pat the Bunny". Then in a long canvas I am going to paint the phrase "May Your Dreams Become Your Story" to tie together the book theme with sleep and dreamtime! It has been a while since I've painted, but I usually can do pretty well when looking at a subject. I can't wait to get started... and I especially can't wait to have pictures to share of the finished product.